Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th September 1769

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17690906-84

522, 523. (M) Ann Claxton , otherwise Darlin, otherwise Underwood proceedingsdefend , a second time, and Sarah Haycock proceedingsdefend , spinster, were indicted for stealing twelve yards of muslin, value 36 s. the property of Stephen Chissold < no role > and Charles Ravenhill < no role > , privately in their shop , August 23 . *

Stephen Chissold proceedingsvictim . I am in partnership with Mr. Charles Ravenhill proceedingsvictim , in Arthur-street, St. Luke's . On the 23d of August, I had been gone out of the shop not above ten minutes, when my wife came and said I must come in a minute. I went in. Mrs. Ravenhill said two women had stole a piece of muslin, and described them: one in a brown gown, and a green hat, and the other in a linen gown, pinned back, and a long red cloak, with a black hat. We ran two or three of us, but could see nothing of them. We were told there had been a companion of theirs (a man) waiting in a passage, and he had nothing when there, and after that was met with something under his arm. We by describing them, and enquiring, found one went by the name of Darlin, and the other Haycock. We were told to wait at the Cock in the corner, and there we might see them all three together. I went and waited there, and I followed Ann Darlin < no role > and the man, Underwood, into the Old Bailey. When I went to take him, he gave me a smack on the face, and the woman said she would throw me in the kennel if I stopped her. I took her in at the Bishop's-Head near the Session Gate, and secured her. I promised a crown to a runner at Bridewell to take the other prisoner, and he took her the next day. They were taken by the description Mrs. Ravenhill and my sister gave of them. I never found the goods again. I had put that piece in a wrapper, had wrapped it up that morning, and had not been gone out ten minutes before it was gone.

Susannah Ravenhill < no role > . I am wife to Charles. I was in the shop when the two women at the bar came in, on the 23d of August. They asked to look at some printed linen; one had a long red cloak on, and a linen gown, red and white, in flowers, and a black hat; the other had a brown camblet gown, a red silk handkerchief, spotted, and a green hat, lined with red. I showed them several patterns; they fixed upon one, and asked the price; I said two shillings a yard; they bid me twenty-pence. Haycock went out of the shop, and stood under the window; the other stayed in the shop, and asked to look at some muslins to make a cap. I shewed her some; then she called the other in to look at it. The other came in. I was on one side the counter, and they on the other. I shewed them some muslin handkerchiefs. Darlin bought a handkerchief for twenty-two-pence. There was a window behind me, and Haycock asked what was in that. When I turned round, Darlin was stooping, pretending to put her garter on. I said, Do you not want muslin or check; No. they said, they did not: they paid for the handkerchief, and away they went. Immediately after I missed the muslin in a bundle before they were out of sight. I ran over immediately to my husband's partner, and described the two women. We went three ways, but missed them. Darlin was taken the next day, about three o'clock. I am sure the prisoners are the women, and there was not a living soul in the shop but them and me at the time. I am sure they must take it.

Q. from Darlin. Were not you and another woman drinking a dram together in the shop when we were there?

S. Ravenhill. No, there was not.

Sarah Chissold < no role > . I was washing my brother's house, opposite the shop. I saw the prisoners go into the shop, and saw them come out. When they came out, they stood very near together, hussling their petticoats. Just after they were gone, Mrs. Ravenhill came out and said she was frighted; she had lost some muslin. The first time I saw Darlin after was in the Compter, I knew her directly, and the other I saw in Bridewell; also I knew her as soon as I saw her.

Q. Did you see a man with them?

S. Chissold. I did not.

Darlin's Defence.

I went into the shop to buy two or three yards of printed linen to make a bed-gown. She asked two shillings a yard; we bid her twenty-twopence. She said she had got check and good Irish for shifts. I asked her if she had a good handkerchief. I bought one. I have it now on my neck.

Haycock's Defence.

I have nothing to say, only I am innocent.

Both guilty . Death .

See Darlin tried, No. 316, No. 504, and No. 129, the last by the name of Claxton, all for shoplifting, in Mr. Alderman Harley's mayoralty.

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