Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

12th January 1769

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17690112-1

79. (L.) John Purney proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a linen handkerchief, value 10 d. the property of Robert Wood proceedingsvictim , December 25 . ++

Robert Wood < no role > . On the evening preceding St. Thomas's day, as I was going from Cheapside into St. Martin's le Grand , about six in the evening, I found something disturb my pocket; I immediately turned round and discovered my handkerchief in the prisoner's hand, holding it out to another person, whom I apprehended to be his associate, saying at the time, Here, here, or Take it, take it, I am not sure which. The other person, seeing I observed it, refused taking it, so it fell to the ground. I took it up, and took hold of the prisoner, who used me with a good deal of effrontery, but at last fell on his knees and begged for mercy.

Prisoner's Defence.

Going along the street, the gentleman turned round and seized me. I never had his handkerchief.

Guilty . T .

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