Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th December 1767

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17671209-1

1. (L.) John Churchill proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a silk handkerchief, value 10 d. the property of Mark Thomas proceedingsvictim , Nov. 27 . ++

Mark Thomas < no role > . On Friday the 27th of November, about eleven in the forenoon, I was going towards Temple-bar; when very near St. Dunstan's church , I felt a hand in my pocket; I felt immediately, and found my handkerchief was gone, the prisoner was close by me; I said, you villain, you have picked my pocket; he started from me, and ran behind a carriage; there I saw him with my handkerchief in his hand, crowding it up under the knee of his breeches; I called, stop thief; he ran down Temple-lane, and was pursued; the prisoner and handkerchief were soon brought to me; the prisoner confessed to me he did take it, and begged forgiveness (the handkerchief produced and deposed to.)

George Puller < no role > . Going by the end of Temple-lane, I heard the cry, stop thief; I saw the prisoner pursued by many people; I went after him, and in about 150 yards down the lane he was seized; I saw this handkerchief held up, but whether it was taken from the prisoner, or whether he dropt it, I cannot tell; I took and brought it to the prosecutor; the prisoner at first said another boy picked the gentleman's pocket, and gave it him, but before the magistrate he acknowledged he took it himself.

Prisoner's defence.

There were more boys coming along; I saw this handkerchief lie, I took it up; a gentleman said, that is my handkerchief; I said, it is as much mine as your's, for I picked it up; then I ran away with it.

Guilty . W .

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