Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

22nd May 1765

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17650522-1

292 (L.) John Reeves proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a copper tea-kettle, value 3 s. the property of Ann Lewin proceedingsvictim , May 7 . ++

Ann Lewin < no role > . I keep the Fleece and Sun, a public house in Threadneedle-street ; the prisoner was in my house; he had a pint of beer, and paid for it; as I was talking to my coal-merchant's clerk, he went out; I observed he had my tea-kettle under his coat; I sent my boy after him; he brought him and the tea-kettle back.

John Daniel < no role > . I am servant to Mrs. Lewin; she sent me after the prisoner; I went and brought him back, with the kettle, which was found upon him. (Produced and deposed to).

The prisoner said nothing in his defence.

Guilty . T .

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