Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th July 1764

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17640728-1

388. (L.) John Smith proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a linen handkerchief, value 6 d. the property of John Bridge proceedingsvictim , July 11 . ++

John Bridge. I live with a woollen-draper without Aldgate. Coming from thence, on the 11th of this instant, at 9 at night, about four doors on this side of Aldgate , I felt something at my pocket: I felt, and missed my handkerchief: I turned round immediately, and laid hold of the prisoner, and charged him with stealing it; he said he had it not. I held him by the collar, and in searching him, found my handkerchief rolled up under his waistcoat, upon his hip-bone.

Prisoner's Defence.

I found it on the ground, and was unwilling to let him have it, till I found it to be his. I came from Bristol, to receive some money due to me from on board a man of war, and have been in London but six weeks.

Guilty . T .

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