Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

24th February 1762

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17620224-1

88. (L.) George Jaques proceedingsdefend of London , labourer , was indicted for stealing a cloth coat , the property of John Hewitt proceedingsvictim , Jan. 21 . ++

John Hewitt < no role > . I am a coachman to a gentleman at Deptford , and on Jan. 21, 1762, I was ordered to drive to Mr. Kennedy's in Leadenhall street ; when I was there, about 11 o'clock I went to buy me a pair of gloves, and left my great coat upon the coach-box; upon my return I missed my coat.

Q. When did you see it again?

Hewitt. At Mr. Kennedy's Shop [Coat produced, and sworn to].

Morgan Bennet. I was at Mr. Kennedy's in Leaden-hall-street, and saw the prisoner at the bar take a coat off the coach-box, but I did not know then but that he was the owner of it, and belonged to the coach. It was likewise observed by one of the ladies who came in the coach, who immediately told Mr. Kennedy that a man had taken the coat off the coach-box; upon which Mr. Kennedy inquired something of the man, and which way he went, and then pursued and took him about St. Mary Axe, and brought him back to his house.

Q. What did Mr. Kennedy do then?

Bennet. Sent for a constable, and carried him before my lord mayor.

Q. What did he say before my lord mayor?

Bennet. That he had never done any such thing before.

Mr. Kennedy. The 21st of January two ladies came in a chariot to my house; the first witness, John Hewitt < no role > , was the coachman; after some time, while he was absent for some purpose or other, one of the ladies said, a man had took the coachman's great coat from the coach-box: Upon inquiry which way he went, I immediately pursued and overtook him in St. Mary Axe, with the great coat under his arm I took hold of him, and asked him, how he came by that great coat. He said he took it off a coach box. I said he must go back with me to my house; which he did.

Q. Did Morgan Bennet give you any account of the matter?

Mr. Kennedy. Only that he saw the man take it; but did not know then but it might be his own. It was the lady that gave me the information, upon which I went after him; but she could not be persuaded to go with me before my lord mayor.

Prisoner's Defence.

Said, That the coat lay a good part of it upon the ground, and that he picked it up from thence, and stood there for a good while without attempting to run away with it.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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