Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

1st April 1761

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17610401-1

121. (L) Ann, wife of - Saywood proceedingsdefend , was indicted for stealing two yards and a half of muslin, value 10 s. and one yard of book-muslin, value 10 s. the property of Stephen Young proceedingsvictim , March 19 . +

Stephen Young < no role > . On the 19th of last month I was out upon business in Fenchurch-street, a porter came to me to let me know my wife had detected a woman in stealing two remnants of muslin. I went home, and found the prisoner in a back-room. My wife had got the muslin. The prisoner acknowledged the fact, saying, It was the first fact she had committed of that kind, and begged I would forgive her.

Sarah Young < no role > . I am wife to the prosecutor, the prisoner came into our shop on the 19th of March, between the hours of two and three in the afternoon.

Q. Were any body in the shop besides you?

S. Young. No, she came by herself, and asked me to let her see some printed cottons. She bought a small quantity, and paid for it. Then she wanted to see some muslin for an apron. I shewed her some, and as the pieces were lying on the counter, I saw her drawing some from under the parcels as they lay, and getting it under her scarlet cardinal. I put the muslin on the other side of the counter, and told her I missed some muslin, and desired her to look down to see if any thing lay by the side of her. She had a child with her, that said, Here is a piece, and took it up. That was the two yards and half. I bid her look down again, for I missed the book-muslin. She did, and said, There was none on the ground. Then I went to the place where she stood (she was then further from the counter) and said, Madam, you must excuse me, for you have got the muslin, I saw you draw it out of the parcel. Then she desired me to search her, and persisted in it that she did not know any thing of it. I begged of her to give it me: she still persisted in it. Then she stood about a yard from me, and I saw her drop it from under her cloaths upon her feet. I went and took it up, and said, Do not deny it, feel how warm it is (it had been somewhere near her body.) She begged of me to let her go. I said, it was too late. I sent for my husband; she downed on her knees when he came, and begged, and said it was the first time she ever did such a thing.

Prisoner's Defence.

I went into this shop to buy some things that I wanted. I wanted a piece of muslin for an apron, and asked to see a piece that would come very reasonable: she looked me out some. I had a little boy with me about three years old. I went to turn myself about, and paid her for what I had. She said, she had lost this muslin: God knows whether it hung to my cloaths, or how. I know nothing of it any more than your lordship.

Guilty .

[Branding. See summary.]

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