Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

22nd October 1760

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17601022-1

289 (L.) Jeremiah Peacock proceedingsdefend , was indicted for stealing two mahogany tea boards, value 7 s. and 3 mahogany bottle boards, value 2 s. the property of Jane Harrowsmith proceedingsvictim , widow , and John Harrowsmith proceedingsvictim , October 2 . ++

John Harrowsmith < no role > . The prisoner was my journeyman .

Q. Have you any partner?

Harrowsmith. Yes, my mother; I miss'd the goods mentioned in the indictment and found them in Morris's lodgings; he came and asked me to come and see if they belong'd to me; I went accordingly, and there they were.

William Morris < no role > . I am a watchmaker (he produced the goods mentioned in the indictment; deposed to the prosecutor) the prisoner Peacock brought two of the bottle stands at one time, and one at another; I was going by his master's shop, he desired me to take a parcel out of his master's shop widow; he toss'd it out wrap'd up in a cloth; it fl down, and I saw it to be a tea board; he said it was his own, and I took it for him.

Prosecutor. The prisoner told me he had taken another tea board, and had sold it to Mr. Wt, and I went and found it there.

Prisoner's Defence.

William Morris < no role > ask'd me for these things, and for a small weighter to set his watches upon.

Morris. He told me in New Prison he wouldy it upon me, but it is all false, I never desired to bring me any such thing.

For the prisoner.

Edward Berry < no role > . I have known the prisoner seven years, he worked for me about two years, and boarded in my house, I never knew a ill of him.

Q. What is your business?

Berry. I am a turner.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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