Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

21st May 1760

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17600521-1

173. (M.) Esther Urwin proceedingsdefend , spinster , was indicted for stealing 3 silver tea spoons, value 3 s. one pair of silver tea tongs, value 1 s. the property of William Brown proceedingsvictim , April 1 . +

William Brown < no role > . I live at Kensington Gore, the prisoner came to live with me, on trial as a servant , some time in March.

Q. What is your imployment?

Brown. I keep a public house, I had company, there were 3 Ladies which drank tea; I gave the prisoner 3 tea spoons and tongs for their use, about 6 in the evening.

Q. How long had she lived with you?

Brown. About 7 or 8 days; after they had drank tea, I look'd in her face, and thought she look'd a little stupid in liquor, I order'd her to wash the spoons up, and put them into their proper place where they always are; this was near 8 o'clock; in about half an hour she took her bundles, and slipp'd off with the spoons in her pocket.

Q. How do you know that?

Brown. There was a painter there that told me. as soon as we miss'd her, that he saw her put the spoons in her pocket.

Q. Is he here?

Brown. No; he was a stranger to me. About 5 weeks afterwards, as I was going through St. Giles's, I saw her come out of a house; she seeing me, ran away, and through a house, and into another; I pursued and took her, and carried her before justice Fielding. She begg'd I would not take her there; and said, she would tell me where my things were: she own'd she had pawn'd them at the corner of Russel court, Drury Lane, at the house of one Rochford. I lost 3 spoons, but she own'd but to 2, and the tongs. Mr. Fielding sent for the pawnbroker, and his servant that took them in came; and she own'd she pawn'd them to him. (produced in court, and deposed too.) They have the same marks which they had when I bought them.

Peter Peel < no role > . I live with Mr. Rochford, a pawnbroker, I took these spoons and tongs in of a woman; I can't recollect the prisoner, they were brought at 2 separate times. I lent her 4 s. on the whole; I heard the prisoner own before the Justice she pawn'd them with me.

Prisoner's Defence.

I am very sorry for what I have done, but I was not in my senses when I did it, my master has not paid me my wages.

Q. to prosecutor. Did you take her to be out of her senses?

Prosecutor. No, I did not; I thought her to be a little in liquor then, for the time she was there I owe her about 15 d. it cannot be above that, but I will give her half a crown (which he did) telling her he was sorry for her; recommending her to the court for mercy.

Guilty .

After she was found guilty, instead of returning her master thanks for his civility, and recommending her, &c. she curs'd him, and wished he might break his neck before he got home.

[Transportation. See summary.]

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