Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

28th February 1759

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17590228-3

115. (M.) Catherine Tracey proceedingsdefend , spinster , was indicted for stealing one pair of linnen sheets, value 5 s. one cotton gown, value 2 s. and one callimancoe petticoat, value 4 s. the property of Robert Newsham proceedingsvictim , Jan. 2 . *

Sarah Newsham. I am wife to Rober Newsham, I live in Walbrook with Mr. Trig; I left a box at Thomas Creswell < no role > 's, my brother, in Bloomsbury parish , with many things in it; but I only lost a pair of sheets, and a gown and petticoat. I found, when I went there for some things, that the lid of the box had a hinge taken off, and they were gone.

Q. When was this ?

Newsham. It was in last January, I do not know the day.

Q. Did you leave it lock'd?

Newsham. I did; this woman was a lodger in the room where the box was; she was taken up and put in the round-house, I went to her the next morning and charged her with taking the things; she confessed she had taken and pawned them to John Herring < no role > and Mrs Gyles; John Herring < no role > brought the pair of sheets to Justice Welch's. Produc'd in court and deposed to.

John Herring < no role > . I am a pawnbroker; I live in Grafton street St Ann's-Soho. The prisoner pawn'd these sheets to me, one on the 11th of December, the other the 19th; she pledged them as her own property, I lent her 4 s. on them.

Amey Gyles. I live in Dyer's street, and am a pawnbroker. She produced a gown and petticoat: these the prisoner pawn'd to me; the gown on 20th of December, and the petticoat the 2d of January. Depos'd to by the prosecutrix.

Q. to Gyles. What did she say as to whose property they were?

Gyles. She said they were her own. I have known her for years, she has been a customer some time, I thought her a very honest woman.

Prisoner's Defence.

When I took this room, there had been another woman that lodg'd in it, her name was Molly, I do not know her other name; she gave them to me to pawn for her. I own I did say they were my property.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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