Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th September 1756

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17560915-2

320. (L.) Mary Heath proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing one pound weight of Vigonia wool, value 9 s. the property of Robert and James Rossiter proceedingsvictim proceedingsvictim proceedingsvictim , August 14 . ++

James Rossiter < no role > . My father and I are hatters . On Saturday the 14th of August the prisoner (whose mother works for me) brought her work home; and a servant told me she saw her take some of my wool, which we call Vigonia or reed wool, and put it in her pocket. I let her go out of the shop. Then I fetch'd her back and ordered Elizabeth Bull < no role > to search her; who took a pound and two ounces from her.

Q. What is the value of it?

Rossiter. It cost me nine shillings per pound. The wool her mother work'd was worth only about nine pence per pound.

Ann Gray < no role > . I saw the prisoner take some reed wool out of a bag in master's warehouse. I told master of it. She was search'd, and I saw it afterwards taken from her.

Elizabeth Bull < no role > . I work for Mr. Rossiter. I saw the prisoner come in with my master's work. She went into the warehouse, delivered her work, and went out at the door; and presently master and she came in together. He said, search that woman, and on her left hand side I found this quantity of reed wool (produced in court.) I have had it in my custody ever since.

Q. to Mr. Rossiter. Do you know this wool?

Rossiter. I believe it is mine. I desired the woman to keep it under lock and key, to be produced here.

The prisoner had nothing to say in her defence.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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