Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

24th October 1753

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17531024-2

440. (M.) Ann Bunion proceedingsdefend , spinster, was indicted for stealing three linnen shirts, val. 3 s. one linlin shift, val. 1 s. seven linnen handkerchiefs, val. 1 s. one muslin handkerchief, val. 1 s. three check aprons, val. 1 s. one beaver hat, val. 1 s. one linnen handkerchief, val. 4 d. two silver tea spoons, val. 2 s. one cloth cloak, val. 1 s. three pair of worsted stockings, val. 1 s. four pewter plates, val. 1 s. the goods of Richard Mitchel proceedingsvictim , Oct.10

Richard Mitchel < no role > . The prisoner had been my servant a fortnight and three days from the 1st of October to the 19th at night. I was in bed, and my other servants were milking, the prisoner was in the house to take care of that. The watchman call'd me up, having stopp'd the prisoner with the goods mentioned in the indictment (mentioning them by name ) upon her, I can only say they are my property, he can give a farther account.

John Stephens < no role > . I am a watchman in St. George Hanover-square Parish; last Friday morning, just as I called the hour four, I saw the prisoner go by drest in a linnen night gown; I thought there goes a butterfly, so I went out of my box, she had lost her way amongst some timber and met me. I asked her where she was going; she said she wanted to go to the turnpike to meet a waggon to carry her goods down to Edgar ; she had a box on her head, and an apron full besides. I suspected she had ran away from her service by seeing her tremble, so I said you shall go back along with me; she said, she lived with Mr. Mitchel in North Audley-street, I took her there, and in going along she made an attempt to run away, but I laid down the box, which I had taken from her, at a door, and ran and secured her. After I had secured her in the prisoner's kitchen, I went and fetch'd the box, which was lock'd, and they open'd it in my presence, in which and in her apron they found the goods mentioned by the prosecutor, which he said were his.

Jonathan Clare < no role > . I was present when the box was open'd, the prosecutor said the goods were his property.

The prisoner had nothing to say in her defence, nor called any witnesses.

Guilty .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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