Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

2nd May 1753

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17530502-2

178. (L.) Mary Dutton proceedingsdefend , spinster, was indicted for stealing one iron half hundred weight, value 5 s. the property of Henry Norris proceedingsvictim , March 19 , ++.

Henry Norris < no role > . I rent the steel yard; having lost twenty-three weights out of it, I set Thomas Cox < no role > to watch; who can give the court a farther account.

Thomas Cox < no role > . I was set to watch the weights on the 19th of March at night, in a private place; there came the prisoner about six o'clock in the evening, and stooped down, and with her left hand took up an iron half hundred weight, and carried it about ten or twelve yards; then she stooped down either to tie her shoe or patten; I went and took her about the middle, and pulled her upright, she dropp'd the weight, I heard the ring chink. (The weight produc'd in court and deposed to.) I secur'd her, and she was committed.

John Stubley < no role > . I am a watchman in the steelyard; I saw a woman stop at the lower end of the yard, and take off her patten or clogg from her left foot, and seemed to tie it after she beckoned twice with her hand; after that I saw Cox have hold of her, I went to them, he was bringing the weight back, it was then about six yards from the scale.

Prisoner's Defence.

I had been to see an acquaintance, going along the steel-yard, my patten string broke and it flew from me about twelve yards; I ran back for it, and cut off a bit of my apron string to tie it, the man came and took hold on me, I said what do you want with me, he said he'd soon let me know, I never meddled with any thing any farther than setting my foot on the weight.

Acquitted .

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