Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th December 1749

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17491209-3

3. James Aldridge proceedingsdefend , was indicted, for that he together with Henry Barret < no role > , (not yet taken.) in a certain field or open place, near the King's highway, on the person of John Piercer proceedingsvictim , Clerk ; did make an assault, putting him in corporal fear and danger of his life, one pair of silver shoe buckles, value 5 s. one silk handkerchief, value 2 s. one pair of leather gloves value 6 d. and 10 s. in money, number'd the goods of the said John, did steal, take, and carry away against his Majesty's peace, crown and dignity , September 26 .

John Piercer < no role > . I live at Kentish town, I am curate there, I was going from St. Pancrass to Kentish town, I had been doing duty there.

Q. Did you ever see the Prisoner before?

Piercer. I did belong to General Fleming < no role > 's regiment, and have seen the Prisoner before in Brabant, about seven years ago, but I did not know him again: I am not sure the Prisoner is one of the men that robbed me; it was very dark.

Q. Give us an account, how you was robbed?

Piercer. I was going in the middle of the Field in the foot path, between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, I was stopped by three men, one of them, had a cutlass, or a sword.

Q. Was you in your habit?

Piercer. I was not: the first thing they proceeded to, was to take my silver buckles out of my shoes, after that, there were two hands in my two pockets, they took out two handkerchiefs, one an india silk, the other a linnen one, and about ten or fourteen shillings, I cannot be exact; I had paid and received money that day several times; they took from me several pieces of old coin, silver and copper; two Roman coins, an Edward's sixpence, an Elizabeth, a Jacobus, a pair of wash-leather gloves. I heard them before they came quite to me, and I saved my gold watch, and three guineas and a half in gold, by putting them down in the bottom of my breeches. James Harrison < no role > confessed all the particulars before I asked him, and likewise he has done the same before justice Manwaring, and it is in writing.

James Harrison < no role > . I have known the Prisoner almost a year and a half, he and I were both soldiers, in the third regiment of Guards.

Q. Did you ever see the prosecutor before this robbery?

Harrison. Yes my lord, I have seen him at Audheagon in Brabant.

Q. Do you know what happened on the 26th of September, at Pancrass?

Harrison. We stopped him; I cannot say I knew his face at that time.

Q. Who is we?

Harrison. James Aldridge < no role > , Henry Barret < no role > , and my self: Henry Barret < no role > is not taken.

Q. Were did you stop him?

Harrison. In the middle of the field between Pancrass church, and Kentish Town; two of us had sticks, and one a sword.

Q. What sort of sticks?

Harrison. Green sticks cut out of the hedge.

Q. What did you take from him?

Harrison. We took his silver buckles.

Q. Who took them?

Harrison. I did, and James Alridge < no role > took his money?

Q. What money was there?

Harrison. About six or seven shillings in currant coin, and some old money, which we sold for 3 s. 6 d. to a silver smith in King-street Westminster, I don't know his Name, we took an india handkerchief, and a linnen one, and a pair of wash-leather gloves.

Q. What time of the night was this?

Harrison. It might be about eight o'clock.

Q. Where did you go when you had committed this robbery?

Harrison. We went strait to St. Giles.

Q. Who sold the old money?

Harrison. I did my Lord

Q. What did you do with the buckles?

Harrison. They we pawned my Lord, in a street, I think they call it Long Ditch?

Q. How many pieces of old coin were there?

Harrison. I cannot justly tell, there was a large piece of brass with a Turks head upon it, we were all together when they were sold, and I went in with them.

Q. What did you do with the money?

Harrison. We divided it amongst us all.

Q. What is this Barret?

Harrison. He was a soldier.

Guilty Death .

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