Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th December 1749

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17491209-18

19. Susannah, Wife to George Sackvile proceedingsdefend proceedingsdefend , was indicted for stealing one silver watch, value 5 l. the goods of Matth.ew Salmon proceedingsvictim , Nov. 29 .

Matthew Salmon < no role > . I was coming along the Park the 29th of Nov. among the thickest of the trees, there was this woman, she said, how do you my dear; I said, how do you do my girl, how goes trading : she said, very dull; she had not took hansel that night: I said, I had got a penny in my pocket in half-pence, if you are willing to lie down for that, you shall have it: she said, as she had not broke her fast, she would; upon this condition, that I should give her a dram afterwards; to which I agreed; so to the diversion we went - afterwards, as I was going to give her a dram, from Rosamonds pond, towards the iron gate, into Queen's-Square, the lamp gave an opportunity of seeing what sort of a lass I had got, for I did not see her before: when, I saw her, I did not like her; and wanted to get rid of her: as it happened a man came by in a mean dress with a leather apron on, she went up to him and while they were talking together, I went over the broad way to the gin shop, and looking about for her, found she was gone; I thought her the first of her trade that ever refused a dram, I was then suspicious that she had rob me; feeling, I immediately missed my watch : I ran after her from Queen's Square, the nearest to the Globe tavern, where I found her and the man close together, and but a little way off from a lamp. I took hold of her and said; Madam my Watch? the gentleman he ran away; but I secured her, and carried her before justice Lediard, in Palace Yard; to whom I told every thing; the justice said, how do you know but you might loose your watch out of your pocket upon the grass, when your breeches were down: I said, they were only turned down a little way; and if they had been turned quite down, my job was so streight, that it would not have fell out; the justice then was so curious as to take me, into an inward room to look at my breeches. I felt my watch the moment I went to be concerned with her; and I am as sure she had it, as I am sure of death; though she was willing to be search'd.

Prisoner's Defence. He took his sword (he is a soldier) and swore he would run me thro', if I would not be concerned with him. I said, I would not lie down for six pence, and afterwards he said, we must go to a bawdy-house, because I did not do it right. He was much in liquor; thinks I this is but a poor sort of a man to give me but a penny; I chose rather to go with the other man; than he came running back, and said I had got his watch, and he would have it out of my neck.

Prosecutor. She has had many a watch before now. I am sure she had mine.

Acquitted .

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