Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

11th October 1732

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17321011-2

2. Rachel Watson proceedingsdefend of Cornhill , was indicted for stealing 2 pair of Worsted Stockings, Value 4 s. the Goods of George Bond proceedingsvictim , Sept. 20 .

George Bond. Between 4 and 5 in the Afternoon the prisoner came to my Shop, and ask'd for a pair of blue grey Stockings, I shew'd her a Paper in which there were just a dozen pair. She then wanted a different Colour. I turned about and took down another Paper. We did not agree about the Price. She went out, but came in again before I had put up the Stockings, and desir'd to see another pair. I observed her to double up one pair that lay on the Counter. I turn'd about again to reach another Parcel. She look'd over several, but not liking the Price she went away a second time. I miss'd 2 pair; I went after her, brought her back, found one pair in her Bosom, and another pair in the Lining of her Gown. She own'd that one of the Pairs was mine, but said that she bought the other pair at another Hosiers.

Prisoner. I cheapen'd 2 pair of Stockings, the Prosecutor ask'd me 5 s. 6 d. I bid him 5 s. and took out the Money and laid it on the Counter, but am not sure whether he took it up or no. The Jury found her guilty to the Value of 10 d.

[Transportation. See summary.]

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