Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

12th July 1720

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17200712-39

Thomas Merrick proceedingsdefend , of St. Margaret's Westminster , was indicted for committing a Rape on the Body of Charity Land proceedingsvictim on the 27th of June last. Sarah Rogers < no role > deposed, that the Prisoner owned before the Justice that he had lain with her. The Girl's Mother deposed, that she having a Suspicion that her Daughter had been abused by the Marks she found on her Linnen, Examin'd her very strictly, and she told her that the Prisoner (who is in the 83d Year of his Age, and lives in an Alms House about a Quarter of a Mile from her) gave her some Flowers, and she followed him into his Room, laid herself on his Bed, and he lay with her once, and no more. The Girl (who is between 11 and 12 Years of Age) being ask'd whether she knew what an Oath was, answered that she did not: and said that she went to the Prisoner's for some Flowers 3 several times, viz. Two Sundays and a Monday; that she never complained of what the prisoner had done to her till her Mother found it out; that the Prisoner told her that the Garden and all the Flowers in it should be hers, but that if she told any Body what he did to her, she must be hang'd. The Jury considering the matter, Acquitted him.

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