Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th October 1707

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17071015-2

Ann Davis proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of Finchly , Spinster , was Indicted for Feloniously Stealing a Bed-Tick, value 10 s. 4 Cloth Curtains and Vallens, 20 s. a Holland Pillowbier, 2 s. a Pair of Flaxen Sheets, 5 s. the Goods of Augustine Branch proceedingsvictim , on the 6th Day of August last. The Evidence deposed that the Prisoner with another Woman, came to the Prosecutors House and Hired a Lodging, that the first Night they Stole the Goods, and went off with them, about 12 a Clock through a Hole which they had broken in the Wall. The Evidence further Deposed, that the Prisoner was taken at Finchly-Common with the Goods upon her, which were prov'd to be the Prosecutors. The Prisoner giving no account how she came by them, the Jury found her Guilty of Felony.

[Branding. See summary.]

[Imprisonment. See summary.]

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