Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th January 1703

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17030115-2

Ann Wilshire proceedingsdefend , of the Parish of St. Michael Basishaw , was indicted for feloniously Stealing 40 Yards of Drugget-stuff , from Caleb Smith proceedingsvictim , on the 14th of January last. The Prosecutor deposed, That she came into his Warehouse, and took two Pieces of Drugget. Another Evidence deposed, That she saw her come into the Ware house and take the Drugget out of the Window; but seeing she was perceived, dropt it. Upon her Tryal she said, That she did come there to ask for one Mr. Johnson, and did take the Drugget in her Hand, but did not intend to steal it; but that did not avail her, the Jury found her guilty to the value of 10 d.

[Whipping. See summary.]

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