Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

11th July 1694

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16940711-2

William Brown proceedingsdefend was Indicted for breaking the house of Judith Hughes proceedingsvictim Widow , in the Night time, with an intent to kill and murder the said Judith ; who swore, that about eleven a Clock at Night, the Cellar-door was broke open, and one came to her Bed-side and took her by the Wind-pipe, and almost choked her: But she crying out, raised the Neighbourhood, who came to her Assistance, and took the Prisoner in the Yard naked. The Prisoner was found in several feigned Stories; one was, That he was thrown over the wall by violence. The Evidence being clear against him he was found guilty of the Indictment.

[Death. See summary.]

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