Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

30th April 1690

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16900430-2

Thomas Hayes proceedingsdefend and William Kirk proceedingsdefend were both Indicted for stealing 6 yards and 3 quarters of striped Velvet value 3 l. the Goods of Mr. Thomas Tully proceedingsvictim , and others, &c. The Witness swore that one came into a Shop to offer the Goods to sale and that he had the Silk of Hayes, Hayes said he had it of Kirk, which Kirk did not deny; and said that he sercht the Silk out of Pawn in May pole Alley in the Strand, and called one or two persons on his behalf, who declared that he had behaved himself civilly formerly. The Evidence being but Circumstantial against them, they were both acquitted .

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