Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

3rd September 1684

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16840903-2

Richard Burton proceedingsdefend and Martin Stevenson proceedingsdefend , of St. Margarets Westminster , were Indicted for Murdering one William Fletcher proceedingsvictim , Servant to Sr. George Downing < no role > at Knightsbridge . Upon the Tryal the Evidence was, That this William Fletcher < no role > about Ten of the Clock of the Night, was in a Quarrel with one Athis, about nailing up a door that belong'd to his Master; upon which the said R. Burton and Martin Stevenson < no role > (being a Constable and a Beadle ) by chance then coming by, commanded the Peace; which Fletcher not observing, they knock'd him down, and bruised him, which was look'd upon as the Cause of his Death. But the said Persons being upon their Duty, and not positively proved that he died of those Wounds, they were acquitted .

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