Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

12th December 1683

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16831212-2

Elenor Adams proceedingsdefend , Indicted for Murthering her Bastard Child . A Waterman and his Boy gave Evidence, That on the 6th day of December , instant, they took her in at Brandford, brought her to Queenhithe , where, albeit she pretended a further Journey, yet staied by her self; and that about an hour after she was Landed a Male Infant was found dead in the passage that goes to the common Vaults; which Child, when she was apprehended, she confest to have been hers. She in her Defence alledged, That she and her Father-in-law having lodged about six Months at Brandford, and it being known she was with Child, they forced her out of Doors; that with cold, and want of conveniencies, the Child was still born; that she was delivered in the Boat, tho concealed from the Watermen; and that she had a Husband, but at Sea. Her Father-in-law endeavouring to give some Evidence in her favour, did it so as that just suspition was he had been the Father of the said Bastard; which suspition was confirmed by evidence of his extraordinary kindness to his Daughter more than to his Wife; with other circumstances. And no proof being of her Marriage, more than her saying so, the Statute was Read in that case: and she was found guilty of Murder.

[Death. See summary.]

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