Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

6th September 1682

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16820906-2

Hester Wainwright proceedingsdefend was Indicted for Robbing a Gentlewoman proceedingsvictim in St. Andrews Holborn , on the 6th of July last, of a Mantua Gown, several Silk Petticoats, Linnen, wearing Apparel, and ten pounds eleven Shillings in Money ; the Gown and several other things being taken about her; she Pleaded that she took them up amongst her own Cloaths, and knew not but that they were her own till she came to open them; but it being proved that she Stole them, and wore the Gowns publickly, she was found Guilty .

[Death. See summary.]

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