<div1 type="smdssetRecord" id="smdsset_77_55128"> <interp inst="smdsset_77_55128" type="after" value="17660511"></interp>
<interp inst="smdsset_77_55128" type="before" value="17660511"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">55128</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">William Moore aged 66 years destitute of lodging upon his oath saith that he served seven years apprenticeship to John Gray a Taylor in Charles Court in the Strand in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields, that he never did any act to gain a subsequent settlement, that he was married to his present wife Susannah at Islington Church about 11 years ago. Sworn the 11th Day of May 1764 before Benjamin Cox.</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">F5053</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">William</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"> <rs type="persName" id="persNamesmdsset_77_55128">Moore</rs>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_77_55128" type="given" value="William"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_77_55128" type="surname" value="Moore"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_77_55128" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_77_55128" type="age" value="66"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">male</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">66</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">11/05/1766</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">[?].A.W.</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">183</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">signed </div2>

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