<div1 type="smdssetRecord" id="smdsset_28_50208"> <interp inst="smdsset_28_50208" type="after" value="17841118"></interp>
<interp inst="smdsset_28_50208" type="before" value="17841118"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">50208</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Elias Lecount aged 66 years Lodging at Mr. Scotts in that part of Castle Street which is in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields on his Oath saith that he served the last four years of his Apprenticeship to Mr. Long a Peruke Maker the corner of St Martins Street in Leicester ffields in the Parish aforesaid, That he never kept house rented a tenement of ten pounds by the year paid any Parish taxes nor been a yearly hired Servant in any one place for twelve months together since the Expiration of his said Apprenticeship, That he was Married to his Present Wife Susannah at the Parish Church of St Martin in the ffields about four years ago. Sworn the 18th Day of November 1784 Before William Hyde.</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">F5070</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Elias</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"> <rs type="persName" id="persNamesmdsset_28_50208">Lecount</rs>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_28_50208" type="given" value="Elias"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_28_50208" type="surname" value="Lecount"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_28_50208" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_28_50208" type="age" value="66"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">male</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">66</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">18/11/1784</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">S.S.Wd.</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">82</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">signed </div2>

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