By an Order under the Hands & Seals of Sir John Fielding< no role >
Thomas Kynaston< no role >
. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the
City and Liberty of Westminster
(one of the Quorum) bearing Date the
22d Day of September 1768 Catherine Elizabeth Aged about 8 Years
was removed from the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the
Liberty of Westminster
, to the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields
in the sd. Liberty of Westminster
Catherine Elizth:
22d Septr. 1768
By an Order under the Hand Seal of William Kelynge< no role >
. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
bearing Date the 27th day of October 1768 Elizabeth Roome< no role >
Widow of
James Roome< no role >
and one Child (to wit) James aged about one Year were
Passed as Vagrants from the Parish of Saint Clement Danes to the
Parish of Layton Buzard in the County of Bedford.
Elizth. Roome
& Child 27 Octr.
By an Order under the Hands and Seals of Thomas
Lane and William Kelynge< no role >
. two of his Majesty's Justices
of the Peace for the County of Middlesex
(one of the Quorum)
bearing Date the 5th November 1768 Elizth. Eve< no role >
aged about 36
Years was removed from the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in
the County of Middlesex
to the Parish of Saint Dunstan Stepney
in the said County of Middlesex
Elizth. Eve< no role >
5th. November 1768