Robert Banisford< no role >
& Mary< no role >
his Wife
14th. April 1767
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Thomas
Kynaston and
Paul Vaillant< no role >
. Two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the City and liberty of Westmr
(one of the Quorum) bearing Date the 14th: Day of April
Robert Banisford< no role >
and Mary his Wife
were removed
from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the liberty of
Westmr: to the Parish of Dartford
in the County of Rent
John Cross< no role >
22d. April 1767
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Paul
Vaillant and
Thomas Kynaston< no role >
. Two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the City and Liberty of Westmr.
(one of the Quorum) bearing Date the 22d. Day of April 1767
John Cross< no role >
was removed from the Parish of St. Clement
Danes in the liberty of Westmr. to the Parish of St: Olave
Silver Street London
Elizth. Harvey< no role >
2d. May 1767
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Barth:
Hammond and
Thomas Kynaston< no role >
: Two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the City and liberty of Westmr.
(one of the Quorum) bearing Date the 2d. Day of May 1767
Elizth: Harvey< no role >
was removed from the Parish
of St: Clement Danes
in the liberty of Westmr. to the
Parish of St. James Clerkenwell
in the County of Middx