St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

22nd January 1700 - 1st May 1709

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362170014

Image 14 of 16917th December 1708

That Mary Ellicote< no role > be Addmitted one of the
Searchers upon her good behavior and allso that
she quitts her Pention of 5s:0d P Month dureing
the pleasure of this Board

Ordered allso that Mr: Church Warden Smith
and Capt: Jenkins doe treate with
about Letting of the Worck house as they shall thin-
-ck fitting and make Report thereof to this Board

St Clements
Danes Pish}

At a meeting of the Church Wardens and other
the Principall Inhabitants of the said Pish at the
Church House on Vestery Roome of the Parish aforesaid
the 17th. day of December 1708


The Reverend Mr: Foster Rector

Mr. Edwd: Smith< no role >

John Worley< no role > Esqr
Mr: James Willett< no role >
Mr: Danll: Browne< no role >
Capt: Geo: Jenkins< no role >
Mr: William Fisher< no role >
Mr. John Wareing< no role >
Mr: Tho: Batt< no role >
Mr: James Gates< no role >

John Coggs< no role > Esqr
Giles Clark< no role > Esqr:
Capt: Hum: Bradshaw< no role >
Mr: Hugh Mills< no role >
Mr: Tho: Compere< no role >
Mr: John Dorrell< no role >
Mr: Robt: Cooper< no role >
Mr: John Turner< no role >
Mr: Robt: Thacker< no role >

That the Execretix of Mr: Jonathan Dowdeswell< no role >
doe bring in the Accounts of her Husband Relat-
-eing to the Parish

That Mr: Churchwarden Smith and Mr: Wareing is
Desired to wayte one the Church Wardens of St:
Martins to Discours with them Concerneing the Act
of Parliament about a Worck House

Ordered That the Church Warden doe Discontinue
the three Pounds to Adam Samworth< no role > the present
Sexton, and to Pay the said three Pounds unto John
Haynes the Vestery Keeper as a Sallary for summ
-oning the Vestery dayley and to Commence att
Micallmas Last

Its allso further Ordered that Adam Samworth do
pay for the word future from Micallmas last the sume
of Seaven Pounds a yeare and noe more at foure
Quarterly Payments to Deanes wife the late Sexton

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