<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36214MV362140031"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362140031"></xptr>
<p n="231"> <rs type="date" id="WCCDMV36214_date26">Aprill the 22d. 1726</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36214_date26" type="date" value="17260422"></interp>
<p n="232">A Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Pish in Pursueant of Notice given in<lb></lb>
Church the Sunday Prcedeing</p>
<p n="233">Mr. Church Warden Fawkner in the Chaire</p>
<p n="234">The Articles between Mr Gates Mr Wellford & Mr Bradley for makeing the<lb></lb>
Clock & Chymes dated the 21th. June 1720 read</p>
<p n="235">The Resolucon of the Vestry of the 5th. of May 1720 read</p>
<p n="236">The proposalls of the Street the <rs type="occupation" id="WCCDMV36214_occ39">Clockmaker</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36214_occ39" type="occupation" value="Clockmaker"></interp>
& Mr Bradley for makeing the Clock & Chymes<lb></lb>
brot. in the 2d. June 1720 read</p>
<p n="237">The Resolucons of the Vestry of the 9th. of June 1720 read</p>
<p n="238">Minutes of ye Articles brot. in by Mr. Bradley 14th. June 1720 read</p>
<p n="239">Minutes of the Articles by Mr. Bradley for £300 & the old Clock & agreed to by the Vestry &<lb></lb>
to be sett up by Xtmas & a Sallary of £12. to keepe them in repaire read</p>
<p n="240">Inne the 21th. 1720 that the Articles were exemted read</p>
<p n="241">The Ordr. of the 9th. of Aprill 1725 for paying the Ballance of Mr Gronous<lb></lb>
accot. being 606:4:7 to Mr Fawkner</p>
<p n="242">The Resolucon of the Genll. Meeting of the Inhitants of this Parish on the<lb></lb>
12th. of Aprill 1726 for Makeing a Rate for the Clock & Chymes read</p>
<p n="243">The Queon putt for Prceeding to make a Rate for paying for the Clock &<lb></lb>
Chymes, and carryed in the affirmative</p>
<p n="244">The Queon putt Whether the Sume of £400 be raised for paying for the<lb></lb>
Clock & Chymes & the Interest or Damages & Costs or not putt & carryed<lb></lb>
in the affirmative</p>
<p n="245">The Queon putt Whethr. 3d. in the Pound Shall be raised for the<lb></lb>
Purposes aforesd. & carryed in the affirmative & a Rate ordrd. to be<lb></lb>
made accordingly</p>
<p n="246"> <gap reason="illegible"></gap>

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