St. Clemt. Danes
Febry 3d. 1757
Vestry met pursuant to Notice
Mr. John Martin< no role >
Mr. Philip Poole< no role >
}Ch: Wardens
Mr. John Craik< no role >
Mr. Roe Rotheram< no role >
Mr. Geo: Dickinson< no role >
Mr. Joseph Marshall< no role >
Mr. Fras. Coles< no role >
Mr. John Carpue< no role >
Mr. Wm. Porter< no role >
Mr. Wm. Woodley< no role >
Read & audited the Church Wardens Accompt
of Buryals for the Month of Janry last amg. to}£11..6s..11d
At the same time Read & Audited the Overseers
of the Poors Acct. for the same Month amountg. to}£169..4s..3d