St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

11th October 1754 - 18th December 1760

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362100123

Image 123 of 3871st July 1756

St. Clemt. Danes July 1st. 1756

Vestry met pursuant to notice given in the Church on
Sunday last to consider of a further Rate for the necessary
Relief of the Poor


Mr. John Martin< no role >
Mr. Philip Poole< no role >
Ch: ws.

Mr. Roe Rotheram< no role >
Mr. Jno Craik< no role >
Mr. Geo. Dickenson< no role >
Mr. Chas. Newport< no role >

Mr. Jose. Marshall< no role > Trear

Mr. Chas. Musgrave< no role >
Mr. Hugh Davis< no role >
Mr. Rd. Styles< no role >
Mr. Fras. Coles< no role >
Mr. Rd. Waller< no role >
Mr. Thos. Heath< no role >

Read & Audited the Churchwardns. Accot. for
Burials for the Month of June last amounting to}£5..3s..7d

At the same time Read and Audited the Overseers
of the Poors Accot. for the same Month of June
amounting to}£154..2s..5d

Resolved & Agreed that the Rate for the necessary Relief of the
Poor for the second Quarter be after the Rate of four Pence in
the Pound Rents & that the Clerk rate the Books accordingly

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