St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090305

Image 305 of 3677th February 1754

And more Effectual Releif of the Poor of this Parish

Carried in the Affirmative Nem Con

Resolved and Agreed that Notice be given in
the Church on Sunday the 17th. Inst. that a Vestry will be held
on Thursday the 21st. Inst. at 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
in the Vestry room belonging to this Parish to Consider of
Proper methods for the better & more Effectual relief of the

A Motion made and the Question Put whether
the Church wardens be at Liberty to take Fines of such
Persons as shall be willing to Pay the Same to be
Excused Serving Parochial Offices & that such Fine
be not less than Twenty Pounds

Carried in the Affirmative Nem Con

Resolved and Agreed that the Church wardens be
Liberty to take fines of such persons as shall be with
to pay the same to be Excused Serving Parochial Offices
& that such fine be not less than Twenty Pounds

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