St. Clement Danes
Novr. 3d. 1752
A Petit Session held in the Vestry Room of
the said Parish
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
Geo. Errington< no role >
Ordered that the Vestry Clerk do give Notice to
one or more of the principal Tennants in each of
the houses in this parish that are let out in Tenemts.
to attend this Day for might at Ten in the Forenoon
& Shew cause why they shd. not be removed to their
respective Settlemts. or produce a Certificate
John Brett< no role >
StrandJoseph Remnant< no role >
Davd. Guillum< no role >
Jas. Davis< no role >
Wm. Thorp< no role >
Thos. Willis< no role >
Jas. Bride< no role >
John Page< no role > This name instance is in set 883.
Michl. Brown< no role >
Nichs. Hutchinson< no role >
Robt Manwaring< no role >
Thos. Etheridge< no role >
Paul Gossage< no role >
Albany Wallis< no role >
Martin Bourne< no role >
Sarah Jenkins< no role >
Wm. Webb< no role >
Wm Stafford< no role >
Thos. Spratley< no role >
Mary Ritson< no role >
Saml. Stanbury< no role >
Rd Whitaker< no role >
Geo. Tisdale< no role >
Jas Green< no role >