St. Clemt: Danes
May 1st. 1752
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on Sunday
last to Nominate Twenty four persons in this Parish to be
Comrs. for the purposes mentioned in an Act of Parliament made
in the 23d. Year of his present Majesties Reign Intitled an
Act for the more easy and Speedy Recovery of small Debts
in the City and Liberty of Westmr. and that part of the
Dutchy of Lancaster which adjoineth thereto
Wm. Gibbs< no role >
Fras. Coles< no role >
Ch. wds.
Mr Heny. Freame
Mr Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr. Tho. Warford< no role >
Mr Jno. Thompson< no role >
The following persons were Nominated and Assigned
to be Commissioners for the purposes mentioned in the
sd. Act of Parliament for the more easy and Speedy
Recovery of small Debts within the City and Liberty
of Westmr. and that part of the Dutchy of Lancaster
which adjoineth thereto. /.