Saint Clement Danes
12th. Febry. 1795
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last
Mr. Oddy-Churchwarden in the Chair
Mr. Willis
Mr. Burnthwaite
Mr. Wingrove
Mr. Sivewright
Mr. Shard
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Gill
Mr. Essex
The following Twenty one Persons Housholders resident in
this Parish were Chosen and appointed a Committee for
the better and more effectually carrying into Execution an
Act of Parliament Passed in the 23d. year of the Reign of
his Majesty King George the 3rd- Intitled An Act for the
better Paving Cleaning and Lighting this Parish and
certain Places adjoining thereto and for removing and
presenting Nuisances and Annoyances therein
Fras. Stone< no role >
Joseph Burnthwaite< no role >
William Williams< no role >
Joseph Sumner< no role >
George Hulm< no role >
Thos. Rust< no role >
Wm. Nurse< no role >
Moses Wingrove< no role >
John White< no role >
Thomas Seears< no role >
James Sadler< no role >
Bloomer Ireland
Samuel Oddy< no role >
William Bird< no role >
John Cullum< no role >
William Cox< no role >
John Pennington< no role >
James Rosier< no role >
Saul Richardson< no role >
George Prince< no role >
Joshua Johnston< no role >
A Complaint was made that several Bodies were left
Unburied in the Bone house for many days past
Mr. Robertson the Master of the Workhouse