St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

21st October 1776 - 5th July 1787

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362040065

Image 65 of 3837th May 1778

St. Clement Danes , 7th. May 1778

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday last.


Mr. Ra: Williams< no role > Chwden

Mr. Johnson
Mr. Collett
Mr. Cuningham
Mr. Clean

Mr. R: Prior Junr Treasurer
Mr. Kennett
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Perins
Mr. Windle
Mr. Wright
Mr. Manning
Mr. Sumner

Mr. Page
Mr. Christian
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Oddy
Mr. Baker
Mr. Barker
Mr. Buddle
Mr. Nurse
Mr. Gyblett
Mr. Coupland
Mr. Wm. Williams< no role >
Mr. Richd Prior< no role >
Mr. Willis

Read and Auditted the Churchwardens Account of Burials
for the Month of April last amounting to £9..7..0

At the same time read and Auditted the Overseers Accounts
for the same Month Amounting to£551..15..10

The Overseers of the Poor for the Year 1777 paid One hundred
Pounds to the present Churchwardens and took up their Note
of Hand they gave for the same

The Churchwardens paid One hundred Pounds to the
Present Overseers and look their Note of Hand for the same
Payable to them or their Successors.

Resolved and Agreed that the 1st. Rate for the necessary
relief of the Poor be at 7d. in the Pound Rents reduced
agreeable to the Minutes of the 2d. April last And that the
Vestry Clerk rate the Books accordingly.

Resolved that the sevl. former Orders relative to the
Indemnifying the Justices Churchwardens Overseers of the Poor
for recovering the Rates from all or any of the Inns of Court
or any other Inhabitants of this Parish be and they are
hereby Confirmed

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