<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36204MV362040038"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362040038"></xptr>
<p n="318"> <rs type="placeName" id="WCCDMV36204_geo38">St- Clement Danes</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36204_geo38" type="placeName" value="St- Clement Danes"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36204_geo38" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
<rs type="date" id="WCCDMV36204_date29">7th- Augt- 1777</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36204_date29" type="date" value="17770807"></interp>
<p n="319">At a Meeting of the Vestry pursuant to Notice for<lb></lb>
that Purpose</p>
<p n="320"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Mr- Buddle<lb></lb>
Mr- R. Williams<hi rend="braceResult">Churchwdns-</hi>
<p n="321"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Mr- Johnson<lb></lb>
Mr- Collett<lb></lb>
Mr- Greenwood<lb></lb>
Mr- Cleane<hi rend="braceResult">Overseers</hi>
<p n="322">Mr- Prior<lb></lb>
Mr- Bird Senr-<lb></lb>
Mr- Baker<lb></lb>
Mr- Robinson<lb></lb>
Mr- Alderson<lb></lb>
Mr- Perins</p>
<p n="323">Mr- Wright<lb></lb>
Mr- Kennett<lb></lb>
Mr- Figg<lb></lb>
Mr- Rust<lb></lb>
Mr- Rainforth<lb></lb>
Mr- Baker<lb></lb>
Mr- Shepherd<lb></lb>
Mr- Jones<lb></lb>
Mr- Nelson<lb></lb>
Mr- Christian<lb></lb>
Mr- Willis</p>
<p n="324">Mr- Ponten</p>
<p n="325">Read and Auditted the Churchwdns- Accts-<lb></lb>
for the Month of July amountg- to}£4-13s-2d</p>
<p n="326">At the same time Read and Auditted the<lb></lb>
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor for the<lb></lb>
same Month amounting to}£290-15s-0d</p>
<p n="327">Agreed that Mr- Nixon be paid the Sum of 18s for <lb></lb>
the Expences paid out of pockett but that for the Future<lb></lb>
no Bill of the like kind be paid to him as Summoning<lb></lb>

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