Saint Clement Danes
November 30th.. 1797
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last.
Mr. Bird
Mr. Prior
Mr. Ritchie
Mr. Buck
Mr. Lindsay}Overseers
Mr. Bury-Treasurer
Mr. G. Prince-Surveyor
Mr. Papps
Mr. Sivewright
Mr. Wingrove
Mr. Beal
Mr. Ponten
Mr. J. Prince
Mr. Dyer
Mr. Howell
Mr. Marshall
Mr. Chessall
Mr. Joyce
Mr. Pennington
Temple Bar
Act to explain
& enlarge 35
Geo 3d.
The Notice in Church being Read
The Vestry Clerk Reported that the City
intended, To incircle the Church with a Dwa
Wall and Iron Palisade to make A Street 50 feet
wide round it, & A Circus of compleat Unifor
for which Purpose it is Proposed, To take
down the Houses from the corner of Essex
to the corner of Arundel Street
, as deep as ne
for the former improvement to take the West
Side of the Church Yard and part of the Church
Yard on the East & North Sides.