St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th March 1798 - 22nd December 1808

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361050076

Image 76 of 3598th January 1801

Saint Clement Danes
8th. Janry 1801

At a Meeting of the Churchwardens Overseers
and Assistants Pursuant to Notice


Mr Hulm Chwn

Mr. George
Mr Stratford
Mr Langston
Mr. Kebby

Mr. Smith Treasr.
Mr. Joyce

This being a Meeting to take
into Consideration an Act of Parliament intituled
"An Act for making better Provision for the Maintenance
of the Poor and for diminishing the Consumption
of Bread Corn by directing the manner of applying
Parish Relief until the Sixth day of Novr. 1801 and
from thence until the end of Six Weeks after
the meeting of the then next Session of Parliament

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