St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

4th December 1789 - 2nd February 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361010054

Image 54 of 28717th June 1791

Saint Clement

At a Meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act
of Parliament for better Paving
Cleansing and Lighting this Parish Etc
held in the Vestry Room the 17th.
June 1791 .

Mr. Burnthwaitein the Chair

Mr. PerrisMr. Brewerton
Mr. RustMr. Benjn. Ireland< no role >
Mr. Nurse

The Minutes of the last meeting read
and confirmed

Read the Return of the Inspectors of Lamp
Charlotte Gray< no role > of little Drury Lane applied ha [..]
heretofore placed her Fish Basket in this Parish
to the Nuisance of the Inhabitants and Confess [..]
the same, but requesting Return of her Basket
Upon Promise made of her not being Guilty of
like again Ordered that she have return thereof

Ordered that the Lamp Contractor be
Summoned for the next meeting.


Jos. Burnthwaite< no role >

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