Also on a Bill of £2 10s:0d for Paving work done
by the said Richard Buddle< no role >
over the Water Pipes
of the New River Company in the Footway from
Midsumer to Christmas last with Orders for Payment
to him
Read the Returns of the Inspector of
Paving and several Inspectors of Lamps
Adjourned to the 22 [..]
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected
and appointed pursuant to the Act of
Parliament for better Paving Etc this Parish
held in the Vestry Room the 22d day of
January 1790
Mr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. Bloomer Ireland< no role >
Mr Benjn. Ireland< no role >
Mr. NurseMr Burnthwaite
Mr RustMr. Williams.
The Minutes of the last meeting Read
and confirmed
Great Complaint being made of the want of
cleaning in many of the Courts and Alleys
Resolved that the Contractor have notice of
such neglect