Saint Clement Danes
to wit
Margt. Cary< no role >
aged about 36 years upon her
Oath saith that on the 16th. day of March 1770
Intermarried with
Benjm. Cary< no role >
(her late Husband who
died on the 10th. day of July 1783
) at the Parish Church
of St. Clement Danes
that she hath no Child or
Children living by her said late Husband that since
her said late Husbands Death and being without
any Child or Children living she hired herself
to one Mrs. Outridge in Surry Street
in the said
Parish of St. Clement Danes
as a hired yearly Servt.
that she lived with the sd. Mr. Outridge for 18
Months and upwards at the yearly Wages of
£7..7..0 that she hath quitted said Service about
Two years since which time she hath done no Act to
gain a Subsequent Settlement And further this
Ext. upon her Oath saith that on the 14th. day of May
last past she this Ext. was delivered of a Male Bastard
Child at the
[..] Cellar of one Mrs. Brown in Wych
in the said Parish of St. Clement Danes
hath since been Christened by the Name of
Richd< no role >
That one
Thos. Brady< no role >
a Journeyman Plaisterer
lodges at one Mr. Patch a Publican and Plaisterer
Shorts Gardens Drury Lane
and works for the said Mr. Patch
is the father of the said Child of which she was so
delivered as aforesaid be having had Carnal
knowledge of this Exts. Body and begotten the same thereon
and that the said
Thos. Brady< no role >
is the only real and true
father thereof
Sworn this 1st.
day of Septr. 1787
} R Butler
Margaret Carry< no role >