Saint Clement Danes
to wit
Ann Hodson< no role >
aged about 19 years upon her
Oath saith that she never was married that she
lived as a hired yearly Servant with one Mrs
Bury in the strand
in the parish of Saint
Clement Danes
in the County of Middlesex
16 Months at the yearly Wages of £7 hath
quitted said Service about 7 Months ago since
which time she has done no Act to gain a
Subsequent Settlement And further this Ext. saith
that she is Pregnant with Child or Children
which is or are likely to be born a Bastard or
Bastards and become Chargeable to the said Parish
And further saith that one
Robt. Bury< no role >
who lives at
Mrs. Bury in the Strand
is the father thereof he
having had Carnal knowledge of this Exts. Body
sometime in the Month of April last and at Sevl
times since at one of which times he did beget the
said Child or Children of which she is now Pregnant
and that the said
Robert Burry< no role >
is the only real
and true father thereof
Sworn this 6th
Day of Novr. 1786
} R Butler
Ann [mark] Hodson< no role >