Frans. Gravener< no role >
Aged about Twenty Six
Years Lodging in Milford Lane
in the
Parish of St. Clemt Danes
in the County of
Middx Upon Oath Saith he was Bound
an Apprentice
for Seven Years to Mr. Cheese a
in the Precinct of the Savoy
in the
County of Middx with whom he Lived as
Apprentice near Two Years & then this Examinant
and his Master Parted by Consent & this Examinant
Immediately Inlisted for a Soldier
& hath
been Discharged from his Regiment about
Nine Months & never Rented House Paid
Taxes or Lived a hired Yearly Servant
Sworn the 22d Day of
February 1764
Before} Paul Vaillant< no role >
Gravenner< no role >
Upon Mr Olivers
Complt. Ovrs
J. W