Elizth. Waller< no role >
Aged about Thirty four Years
upon Oath Says she is the Wife of
Waller< no role >
a Soldier
with whom she Intermar'd
in the Savoy Chapel
on the twenty Sixth
of May 1756 by whom she has two Children
Henry < no role >
Aged about Six Years and
Elizth.< no role >
Aged about Two Years Says her said Husband
whilst a Singleman Lived a hired Yearly
Alexr. Hillman< no role >
a farmer
One Year and upwards at the Yearly Wages
of three Pounds or thereabouts says he served
the said Mr. Hilman the last Nine Months
of his said Service in the parish of Horsted
in the County of Sussex
and after he
quitted his said Service Never Rented Ten pounds
by the Year pd. Parish Taxes or lived a hired
Yearly Sert. for One Year.
as this Examinant hath been
Informed by her said husband and which
Information she Verily believes to be true
Sworn the 8th Day of
February 1764
Before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
Elizabeth Waller< no role >
Upon Mr Ralph Williams< no role >
Complt Ovr J. W