Margaret Ormsby< no role >
Aged about Forty three
Years upon Oath Says she is the Widow of
Coot Ormsby< no role >
who has been Dead about three
Years with whom she Intermarried in the
Parish Church of Islington
in the County
of Middx about Twelve Years ago Says her
said Husband Rented a House in Drury
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the Liberty of Westminster
upwards of
One Year at the Yearly Rent of Twenty
Five Pounds hath quitted said House
about Three Years and this Examinant
hath not since the Death of her said
Husband Rented House or paid Taxes Says
has One Child by her said Husband (Viz)
Christopher < no role >
Aged about Seven Years.
Sworn the 2d Day of
February 1764 Before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
Margaret Ormsby< no role >
Upon Mr Jones [..]
Complt J W