Letitia Weston< no role >
from Saffron Hill Liberty
Order dated the 3d. day of September Instt. upon Oath Says
She is the Wife
Meredith Weston< no role >
with whom She Intermarried
at the Fleet
London about Ten Years since Says her said
was born and Served his Apprenticeship
to a Stay
in Wales
as She hath been informed and believes
but in what part this Examinant cannot tell Says her said
Husband never Rented a House paid Taxes or lived a hired
Yearly Servant for one Year to her knowledge and belief That
She hath two Children
by him
Elizabeth< no role >
aged about Seven
Years and
John< no role >
Aged about four Months Says before her
Intermarriage with her said Husband and whilst She was
a Singlewoman
She lived Five Years and upwards a hired
Yearly Servant
with Mr. Shepherd a Broker
in Maypole
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
Sworn Septr. 4th.
before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
The mark [mark] of Letitia Weston< no role >