St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

28th December 1753 - 17th July 1755

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358120355

Image 355 of 3835th June 1755


Mary Nevill< no role > This name instance is in set 951. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD . aged near 24 Years upon her
Oath Saith she never was married and that she
was bound Apprentice for Six years to Jas. Egan< no role >
a Millener and Haberdasher and lived with him
as his apprentice in Essex Strt. in the Strand
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes in the County
of Middlesex for Five years or thereabouts
at the End of which time the sd. Egan become a
Bankrupt and this Examinant went & lived wth.
her sd. master as his Apprentice at his Lodgings
in little Turn Stile Holbourn for Six weeks
or thereabouts and then removed wth. him to
another Lodging next Door to the Bull & Gate Inn
Holbourn & lived with him there as his apprentice
upwds. of Six Weeks longer and then her said
master went to Dunkirk & this Examinant
never was assigned over nor ever Rented Ten
pounds by the year paid Parish Taxes nor
lived a yearly Servant for one year
And the sd. Mary Nevill< no role > further upon her
voluntary Oath saith she is pregnant with
Child or Children which is likely to be born a
bastard or bastards and to become Chargeable

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