to wit
Susannah Rogers< no role >
Aged about forty Seven
Years on her Oath says she is the Widow
Robert Rogers< no role >
who died the Thirty first day of May last
and with whom
she Intermarried at the
Parish Church
of Saint Martins
in the Fields
about Three Years ago and by whom she
no Child or Children living says her said late Husband
has Two Children by a former Wife Namely
Susannah< no role >
Aged upwards of Eight Years
William< no role >
aged upwards of
five Years says her said late Husband never Rented
House paid Taxes served any Apprenticeship or ever
lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year as he has
often Informed her and which Information she
Verily believes to be true And further says that her
said late Husbands Father as he has often Informed her
Rented and lived in a House called or known by
the Name
or Sign of the Queens head
at Knightsbridge
in the
Parish of Saint George Hanover Square
in the
County of Middlesex
for some Years at the Yearly
Rent of Twelve Pounds and after quitting that House
neither her said Husband or his said Father never
gained any other Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 9th. day
of July 1779
Abrm Baley< no role >
M Addington
Susannah Rogers< no role >